Contact Lenses

With the latest materials and proper use, contact lenses should be both convenient and comfortable. Most of the time, you will hardly know you are wearing them, though you will certainly notice how clear and accurate your vision is. We recommend always having an updated pair of eyeglasses to wear in conjunction with contact lenses. This permits your eyes to rest from contact lens wear, permitting you to best meet your overall lifestyle needs while protecting the integrity of your overall eye health.

After the doctor completes your contact lens examination, they will discuss the best option suited for your lifestyle and needs. Even if your current contacts are fine, new options and rebates come out all the time. This means that that your solution might be different depending on your use, needs, and background eye health. Why settle for fine when you can have great!

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Disposable Soft Lenses

As soft contact technology moves forward, the majority of new lenses are daily disposable lenses. These are easy and convenient for people who may wear their lenses for sports or events, for kids who may not be able to maintain perfectly clean lenses, or adults who may not have the time to scrub their contacts each night. These lenses offer superior dry eye and allergy relief because they are fresh every day

blink eyecare mckinney contact lens exam

Toric Soft Lenses

Toric lenses are used to correct astigmatism by rotating and adjusting power as you blink. Even if you have tried toric lenses before or are doing “fine” in your current lenses, ask your doctor if they have any suggestions. New technology means that more modern lenses provide superior comfort, vision, and convenience then was previously possible.

blink eyecare mckinney contact lens exam

Extended Wear Soft Lenses

Extended wear lenses, the result of new technology in lens materials, transmit more oxygen to the cornea of the eye. Some of these lens materials can be worn up to 30 days, day and night, without removal.

blink eyecare mckinney contact lens exam

Multifocal Soft Lenses

Recent technology means that multifocal lenses that let you see at distance, computer, and near are now a great option. Now, having a different prescription at distance and at near no longer means that contacts aren’t an option.”

blink eyecare mckinney contact lens exam

Hybrid Gas Permeable Lenses

As the name implies, these lenses combine the great vision of a hard lens with the peripheral comfort of a soft lens. If you’ve been told you cannot wear soft lenses, hybrid lenses are often a great alternative. These lenses are available in specialized designs to correct vision beyond what soft contact lenses can achieve for conditions such as high astigmatism or keratoconus.

blink eyecare mckinney contact lens exam

Specialty Contacts

There is a lot more to contacts than just the basics or what you may have been using before. Technology moves on and this is no less true for medicine. Your unchanged contacts that have been “good enough” for years may be more like the very best horse-drawn carriage when modern cars -and contacts- are now available.

We specialize in hard-to-fit contacts. These can include treatment for corneal conditions like keratoconus, high ametropia, or myopia control contacts. All the time we have new patients come to our office who have been told that they have reached the limit of their vision, and for a great many of them, all that they were missing was expertise and experience!


Caring For Your Contacts

Always make sure to take care of your contacts and they will take care of you. All contacts are rated to be used for a certain amount of time and should never be over-worn as this can cause permanent damage to the cornea and dramatically increase risks of injury, infection, and scaring. Oftentimes, your lenses will still feel “fine” even when you are over-wearing them. This is the same way that the pain of a heart attack isn’t by any means where the damage and strain to tissues started.

Always dispose of daily wear contacts promptly and clean extended wear contacts following all manufacturer guidelines. As with any medical device, when used properly contacts are a convenient way to correct your vision!

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