What Makes Up Our Eyes


Transparent front segment of the eye that covers iris, pupil, and anterior chamber, and provides most of an eye's optical power.


Variable-sized, circular opening in center of iris; it appears as a black circle and it regulates the amount of light that enters the eye.


Pigmented tissue lying behind the cornea that gives you your eye color and controls the amount of light entering the eye by varying size of the pupil. It also separates the anterior chamber from the posterior chamber.


Natural lens of eye; transparent intraocular tissue that helps bring rays of light to focus on the retina.


Part of the eye that converts what we see into electrical impulses sent along the optic nerve for transmission back to the brain. Consists of many layers and includes our rods and cones.


Small, specialized central area of the retina responsible for the sharpest central vision.


Transparent, colorless, gelatinous filling; in the rear two-thirds of the interior of the eyeball, between the lens and the retina.


Largest sensory nerve of the eye; carries impulses for sight from retina to brain.


The white part of the eye; a fibrous protective layer that along with the cornea makes up the outer protective layer of the eyeball.


A muscular ring under the surface of the eyeball; helps the eye focus by changing the len’s shape and also produces aqueous humor.


The vascular layer between the sclera and the retina; the blood vessels in the choroid help provide oxygen and nutrients to the eye.


Sport Glasses

If you play sports, you should keep two things in mind related to your vision: protection and precision. Sports lenses protect the wearer’s eyes. Protective lenses are more resistant to impact than glass or plastic and offer protection for 90% of eye injuries.

Specialized lenses optimize your vision. Depending on your sport, certain lenses are more appropriate than others. Dark, UV protection lenses are great for baseball and other outdoor sports. Golfers can benefit from gray-brown colored lenses which make it easier to outline the course and increase contrast. Sports that encounter either road or water glare greatly benefit from polarized lenses to increase awareness and comfort.